Color Theory, Creative in the Garden

Color stories

What is your color story?  Bright hues told boldly because you were feeling summer?   Or perhaps the barn-yard neutral saga because of your recent magazine reads?  We are what we are influenced by; where we live and how often we see something affects our choices, even what colors we surround ourselves with.

The commercial color industry knows this so writes a different story each season to boost newness and drive color sales.  With each company writing their own, these romantic anthologies are adapted by manufacturing so the story keeps getting shared and shared until it is all we see. We fall in love with what we are presented with, but is it our own? 

Knowing all this, I challenge myself to write my own stories independent of what is currently popular and use them in my life for the 3 P’s; projects, purpose and pleasure.  Following is some of my stories; I hope they inspire you to make some of your own!

  • Inspiration:  the gardens outside my studio door this summer
  • Color scheme: complimentary
  • Project: art quilt
Color stories; art quilt.
  • Inspiration: end of summer garden harvest
  • Color scheme:  Split Complimentary
  • Pleasure: arrangement on my kitchen counter
Color stories; end of harvest.

3 thoughts on “Color stories”

  1. I smile as I read this as I do love to use nature and the changing colors of the seasons in my home and wardrobe. Since we have moved from New England to Florida, the colors basically stay the same. Not very often will you find muted greens and browns which I enjoy. On the bright side, there is always lots of bright colors during the winter when up north it was shades of gray, white and black that was seen in the landscape.

    1. I can understand you missing this! Color is color tho and even those shades we think are drab can be elegant. Don’t you think? And your vivid FL palette has magic all its own. I hope you are doing well done there!

    2. Well I think that color is color is color and that it is appropriate given each setting. Your FL palette is so lovely mimicking the bright sun where as our fading light and landscape looks best with more muted tones. Right? Thanks for staying in touch…

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